PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - The Issue of the 10%-20% Power Differentiation
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Old 2011-07-30, 04:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #105
Re: The Issue of the 10%-20% Power Differentiation

Originally Posted by Higby View Post
1 less shot to kill, not exactly curb-stomping and face-blasting noobs off the map. And, this is already an out of bounds scenario because we're not going to have a 20% increase on damage to begin with.

Matt, now that you've become an Internets Hero over here and pretty much made a /thread , can I take advantage of your attention and direct it here?

All of you worrying about straight power advancement, in fast TTK games it's all down to skill anyway. Even if your opponent can drop you 0,2s quicker, if he got the drop on you you, those 0,2s won't help you much. They won't help him much if you got the drop on him, and if he's got more armor and can take one hit more.

In APB Reloaded you've got weapon upgrades that translate into sheer power, up to 7% more RoF and roughly 20% reduced Cone of Fire bloom. Regardless, you don't really feel the difference, unless your opponent is using an item shop weapon that does offer a true, significant advantage (like tighter spread that you couldn't ever achieve through upgrades).

Now let's take BFBC2 for example. Many unlockable weapons give you an advantage with no real tradeoff. There's so much happening and TTK is so short that it doesn't really matter. There aren't that many 1v1 fights, and there will probably be even less in PS2. The most important thing is situational awareness - getting the drop on an enemy before he gets a drop on you.

In my opinion the 20% is just something to keep the more simplistic players playing the game. Some people just need progression in order to give some meaning to the time they spend in the game.
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