PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Gameplay: Caves *Gasp!*
Thread: Gameplay: Caves *Gasp!*
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Old 2011-08-04, 12:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Master Sergeant
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Re: Caves *Gasp!*

I liked the concept behind the caves, creating a battlefield that has more 3 dimensional aspect with emphasis on infantry and light vehicle combat. But I didn't like the implementation of the caves themselves. They were confusing and kind of out of the way, you didn't really feel like the caves were worth all that much, and I didn't really like the idea of the ziplines.

One of the few good things about BFRs was at least it got people into caves, and at certain times they could be pretty fun. I'd rather see the cave concept used in what I thought caves were meant to represent: urban areas. Though you can still have the close quarter's infantry focused combat, and it can be fairly complex, just by being based off a model of cities that we are all familiar with. I also think that simplifying the objectives of these areas would be great too. Something closer to a capture-point system of BF1942 or that line of games combined with some of the facility benefits inherent to planetside, perhaps?

I often think about how the concept of caves, which I think has a huge amount of potential, wound up to be designed in such a way that it was one of the most under-used and unliked parts of the game. Pretty remarkable.
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