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Old 2011-08-24, 04:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #75
Second Lieutenant
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Re: Planetside 2 System Requirements.?

Hey, I like where Bruttal was going.....but I'm still trying to get a handle on my impending build. However, I'm scared of SSD's right now. It's rare, but they have staiility issues no one seems to have clearly identified yet. I think they're outpacing the MBs or not in sync with the CPUs. To pay top dollar, I need to see them identify and correct the issues surrounding SSDs.

I have no interest in 3D, but I have a buddy that swears by it. Goku's system sounds good for the $2,200 price tag, but I liked Bruttal's....then Goku seemed to shoot it down pretty brutally (pun was unavoidable).

Sure. The new Sandy Bridge are coming out, but they initially will sell at a rediculous premium.

Anyway. I'm still gonna share where I'm hovering at (today). PLEASE. No one CRUSH me. I'm open to ideas and input. I'm trying to learn what's a wise investment vs what's not. Here goes;

i7-2600K / 3.40GHz (OC it to 4.5 - 4.7)
8 GB Mushkin Enhanced Redline [7-8-7-24] ($95 on NewEgg)
ASUS Maximus IV Gene-Z Z68 MB (not sure, need info on OC compatabilty w/CPU & GPU)
3 X HIS IceQ X Turbo / 2GB / 840MHz / AMD 6950 (@265/ea)
(I like NVIDIA, but the price on AMD screams "buy me !")

I'm under $3K, but I'm confused on the monitor front. I'm thinking I might run a single 27" Planar. I like the idea of 3 monitors, but I'm not ready to spend much there yet.

I hear conflicting opinions of SLI on multiple cards - with one monitor
....and a whole different spin on running SLI w/mult cards, and with 3 monitors.

Last edited by Chaff; 2011-08-24 at 05:02 PM.
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