PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - New single person mechs designed from scratch for PS2
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Old 2011-10-10, 12:22 AM   [Ignore Me] #269
Brigadier General
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Re: New single person mechs designed from scratch for PS2

We have been told that BFR's will not be in PS2 at launch.

We also know that some of the developers have expressed interest in revisiting mechs but done differently than the failure that was BFR's.

There is no real good reason why mechs are needed in the game, nor is there a good reason why they shouldn't be in the game.

If the developers want to make another stab at it and get it right this time, sounds good to me. If they did include them, I would like to see mechs and MAX suits act as bridges between infantry and vehicles. The MAX suit would be closer to infantry while sharing some of the characteristics of a vehicle, while the mech would be closer to a vehicle while sharing some of the characteristics of infantry.

A mech as a replacement for a heavy battle tank is just a bad idea. A mech as a versatile light armor unit sounds much easier to balance.

I don't really want to see mechs in the game, just because of how crazy the community gets around the subject, but maybe once there are a lot of new players in PS2, it would be a less toxic reaction. Time will tell. They may decide there are a lot of better ideas than mechs to make, like naval combat, so the topic may never even become an issue.
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