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Thread: Systems: Outfit Warships
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Old 2011-11-03, 12:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
Big J Money
Re: Outfit Warships

I see where you're going Chaff... cool ideas for battles. It sounds like the Warship in your scenario acts almost like an "extra tower" except that you only have to worry about Outfit members spawning from it (not the whole enemy team).

I think the cool way to repel a warship in that spot would be to treat it just like a tower: you have to invade the warship and somehow send it away. Like a reverse tower battle where you have to fly UP to the base and then board it. Rather than a gal drop, you'd have to land a gal in their hanger and everyone scramble out and get to the jump room, and make the warship jump out into space again.

But I don't think warships should always be above a base..... maybe like only certain bases can have them over top. Or maybe like once you repel one, no more can come again until the base successfully switches hands. Or hell, maybe there would be a beacon item that you have to plant somewhere inside the base and defend for a certain amount of time to allow your warship to jump in.

That would make Outfit names so much more notorious. "OMG it's the EVILPIG warship of d000000m floating over our base!!"

But anyway, we all know this implementation wouldn't make it into the game's launch :-)
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