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Old 2003-02-27, 04:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Flamable beginners FAQs

Hmm, not sure about the topics title, but here goes:

A while ago (think a few months) I read an article in a Swedish PC-games-review-magazine (long word >_<) about a new, upcoming game called Planetside. My thoughts went from "wow" to "HOLY CRA...[insert free 1337 speak word here]" and my mind went to creating scenarios not ever before seen.

Then it all went quiet for a while, but then through some friends, I stumbled upon the homepage of this game. I started reading around and came to the vehicles section.. then, I saw the most beautiful thing as of yet.

The Galaxy.

Now, I am a beginner when it comes to planetside and related topics and as such, would like to have some basic information I have not located on the HP or the forums(yes, used search).

Q1: When it comes to vehicles, how do I get my hands on the Galaxy ship? (know a little about certs, but if someone would be so kind as to take the time to explain as much as possibly, I would be oh-so-gratefull).

Q2: If I am flying/running etc and have a few good weapons, some certs etc and get shot down (my galaxy O.O) or just shot, what happens? All my weapons disappear, that I understand, but my exp points, my galaxy, how do I regain them?

Q3: I am very much into flying and supporting gaming, in Tribes 2 I am the repair-guy-that-flies-bombers-and-assault-tanks-and-generally-helps-anyone-needing-my-help-guy. My role in PS is most likley already decided: Piloting the Galaxy using nerdy commetns such as "rgr that, prepare to land" etc and repairing/aiding my army whereever possible. Will armies have the outfits(clans) ordered so that there are one group of guys known for their good flying, one for assaulting etc? In that case, put me in the Galaxy flying crew .

Last, but not least, this game will probably be one of the best I've played so far if all the promises keeps up to this standard IRT and thank you to anybody even taking the time to read through, answering and not flaming me in my aura of ignorence and uncunning.

Teach the n00b!
I will not argue with your stupidity for you will only bring me down to your level and beat me with experience

I am a supportive player.
I adore the Galaxy.
I am a medic.
I am a pilot.

Damn I pwn ^^
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