PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Flamable beginners FAQs
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Old 2003-02-27, 05:05 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
First Sergeant

Q1- To qualify for a Galaxy Ship you will need a minimum of 3 training Certs, you get these by fighting or accomplishing tasks. Now that you are Qualified to pilot a Galaxy you will want to go get one!
All you need to do is find a drop ship center, there�s 1 on each continent. these will probably be the most contested Bases in the game as this in the only place on a continent where you can "Buy" a Galaxy (Buy as in go up to the Galaxy-o-matic Vendor and push the button, there�s no money, everything is Free Yay!)

Q2 - When you Die all your inventory goes into a coffin that other people can loot and steal your Stuff! *gasp*. But don�t worry, remember everything is Free, so you just need to pick up a new weapon and a Galaxy from your base as you leave. Simple
As for your Exp it doesn�t change, there is no penalty for dying or getting shot down.

Q3 - Hmm if I was in charge on a Clan that�s how I would do it, pre set squads of Tank drivers/pilots/infantry. I the Clan organization system in PlanetSide is meant to be top notch so I�m sure there would be a way of setting things like this up

Edit: just rememberd there is a search system, you can look up Pilots/medics/ect and ask them to join your Squad (group,hunting party, etc) and as time goes on people will become well known for their talents

Hope this Helps
[ -> Squeeky <- ] = Teh RoXXoRz!1!

"Damn, Those Vanu bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride!"
"Rip off my sig and I'll shit down your neck!"

Last edited by TimberWolf2K; 2003-02-27 at 05:09 AM.
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