PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Higby Wants Your Thoughts on Iron Sights for FPS.....
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Old 2012-01-06, 06:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
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Re: Higby Wants Your Thoughts on Iron Sights for FPS.....

I agree with all your points, in fact iv said the same things on many occasions. It does certainly slow down combat and reduce movement, which most people who played planetside will praise, but thats because they don't understand netcode and why people warp in planetside and they fear movement in PS2, but they're idiots.

Halo, CS(S) and TF2 are some of the most popular shooters, along with oldschool games like unreal and quake and they;re all mazing, they dont need ADS to make the game feel more "real"...its a game afterall.

I dont understand they plan to make this "light assault" class then give it a rifle feat: ADS and reduce it movement? seems kinda pointless to me.

I loved planetsides combat, the heavy armours bursting through a door, shots going everywhere, people strafing allover the place, the sounds of MCG's mowing people. all epic stuff. I hope they keep the TTK higher so each individual fight is abit more meaningful than a quick twitch of the wrist and a tap or 2 of a button and less about who got the jump on who first.

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