PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - New single person mechs designed from scratch for PS2
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Old 2012-01-23, 06:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #368
Lieutenant General
Re: New single person mechs designed from scratch for PS2

Tbh, haven't posted in this thread yet, due to the obvious.

But the implementation of mechs in PS2 would have several, BIG problems.

1. SOE has on several occassions promised there would be no Battleframe Robotics in PS2. Going back on their word would get severe backlash from the community, regardless of how they are implemented.

2. The majority of PS1 players have been traumatised by BFRs. The main problem everyone had an issue with was not the shape of the vehicle, but the specific abilities these units had where other units did not have anywhere close. Particularly at release, but also later on as they gradually got nerfed till they were acceptably 'balanced'. These main abilities were shield (strength and recharge rate), jumping height and frequency, building camping (from top of buildings in particular), combined with more than impressive firepower. Though PS2 mechs would not need to have them, the association is enough to make many PS1 players distrust the concept completely.

The problem for fans of big effing robots, is that since ALL PS1 mechs weren't properly balanced for a long period of time, these characteristics are now appearing to be intrinsically associated with the mere concept of mechs. In fact, even MAX units (Scat MAX in particular, but overuse in indoor situations in general, especially by zergfits) contributed even more to a general hatred of mecha-nized units.

Btw, Duke, saw you say something about Big robots HAVING to be powerful using a circle argument as if there is some inherent quality about big robots that define them being more powerful than anyone else and providing an elitist position where they can not be killed but can kill at their own discresion.

Just... NO. Big robots have robotic elements, which are of a large size. That is all. Nowhere does it state they should be invincible deathmachines just because they are robots. Nobody can blame you for having a liking to robots or even BFRs. However, if you support it with such a bad argument, they can blame you for being a selfish, robot fanboy with no sense for social game interaction and fair gameplay balance (ie. one unit being way more powerful than others for no reason whatsoever).

So, since there is no absolute need for adding mech units and the discriminating hatred against anything BFR designfamily related, I don't think it'd be a very bright idea to add them. And considering at this point the vote is approximately 78% against, 16% in favour, that seems quite a convincing reason not to, to me anyway.

Topic closed?

Last edited by Figment; 2012-01-23 at 06:26 PM.
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