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Old 2012-01-31, 11:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #74
Shogun's Avatar
Re: IMO KillCam killing the Game

it´s just a wrong way to implement nifty "modern shooter stuff" just because other shooters have it, too.

killcams in an arena type or any arcade game are fine. in a warfare simulator like ps2 they just make no sense as long as they are not implemented into the lore like an implant that uses up a spot the soldier could use with other stuff.

i think people are fighting so hard for little things like that, because we fear the loss of immersion. it´s not just the little thing called killcam, it´s a lot of other things that sum up.
to mention just a few things that cut off immersion we know about so far:
killcams for no reason
spawning on squadleader
no holstered weapons
no vehicle enter animations
no possibility to scare off every enemy from a continent because of perm.footholds
and so on.
some of those things are necessary, like holstered weapons had to be sacrificed to get more players on the screen. so the immersion-lovers fight for every little part that is unnecessary or even senseless like killcams.
***********************official bittervet*********************

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