PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - [Merged] Planetside 2 & TrackIR
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Old 2012-02-15, 04:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #92
Staff Sergeant

Originally Posted by Mauser101 View Post
I first purchased TrackIR specifically for an FPS game, ARMA2. Some of my more simish gamemates raved about the product in their flight sims and were very excited about it being implemented in ARMA2.

I'd just gotten my tax return to so thought I'd do the economy a favor and get it. It really is a wonderful product. The level of immersion it added to ground combat was absolutely wonderous. You do a lot of sitting around and waiting in ARMA2 and having the ability to swivel your head around to know what was going on around you without actually moving your character was great, if not sometimes lifesaving. The fact that TrackIR was not implemented in BF3 was a MAJOR failing considering free-look was already in and because the TrackIR guys basically write the software for the game. It really does not seem to add to the development cycle of a game to any serious degree.

Would have been particularly useful in BF3 considering the limited field of view in aircraft and especially on the ground in hardcore games since you so often only knew were to shoot because the enemy was moving around.

Additionally, to those who claim it adds an undue advantage, I really rather disagree. Does it give some degree of advantage, I can't say that it doesn't but it's not much. Mostly it's just good for scanning around you which you do by moving your mouse about anyway. The only difference is you move your head slightly from side to side. As I said it adds immersion and that is something that should always be aimed for.

Do you think the Ultimate BF3 Simulator adds an undue advantage or does it simply make the game more fun?
BF3 Ultimate Simulator
I'm going to build one of these in my house one day
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