PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - [Merged] Planetside 2 & TrackIR
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Old 2012-02-18, 01:33 AM   [Ignore Me] #97

Originally Posted by Kaotc View Post
yet again, you are missing the point, many company's will release SDK's of their software for free, to be used, by independants to mod things, and expand the technology

i do not believe for one second that if a company like SOE, picked up that SDK and used it to make a game, that Natural Point would just sit there and go 'ah its ok, we dont want a cut of that pie...' that my friend, is economics 101...

To my other point, thank you for reinforcing it, Sony already have a product that does this, if they wanted this technology they would use that, what is so hard to understand?

Lastly, i dont hate the product? i dont see anywhere i have said that at all, it is cool.

you seem to be hell bent that Natural Point is the be all and end all.... it is not.
Trust me when it comes to head tracking TIR IS the end all be all. No doubt about that.
Man you are stubborn.

Well here it is from the horses mouth. Seth from Natural Point was kind enough to provide me with this information.

And I quote.

"The process is pretty simple. We don't charge devs for the SDK. They just need to send me an email requesting it. (Either directly at [email protected] or through our contact forms.)

I'll have them sign an agreement that says they won't distribute the SDK to other people without our permission. Once they do that, I'll send them a link to the documentation.

They'll integrate about 20 lines of our code to be able to talk to our software (which is, in turn, talking to our hardware). After that, they should be receiving 6 DOF data from our system. They're then free to map that data to whatever they want in their game (usually the in-game camera)." END QUOTE

So how is that Economics 101 class going for ya. Pretty bad it looks like. You have NO idea what the technology is, you have been spouting garbage about this technology, you don't have to SAY you hate it. Your ignorant attitude and constant berating of the business model says it for you.

Video tracking BTW (the PLAYSTATION EYE) is far inferior to the LED tracking of Track IR. How ever it does do the job for a smaller price, but it ALL uses the same software (roughly). Its all in the hardwear and with that you get what you pay for.

So, that is the process. Simple enough. So please SOE, Matt Higby, who ever is responsible for making this happen, Please take a look!

Last edited by HoovesMcG; 2012-02-18 at 01:45 AM.
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