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Thread: Odd Dreams
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Old 2012-02-19, 01:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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Re: Odd Dreams

I once had this dream where we were some time after the Zombie Apocalypse. We already knew how to be immune to it but it was like, you had to take the vaccine, get bit, and then be in the hospital for a while or something, so it was risky.

There were safe zones where people lived their everyday lives like normal, but if you got far enough out or into the old cities, there were many zombies. So there was like a volunteer zombie-police force or something and I was going through in-processing. Did the normal stuff like give blood, paperwork, get vaccinated. And then we got to this area where they had some zombies chained up and you had to go in and get bit or something. Had to be careful because getting bit in a bad spot might make you suffer too heavy blood loss. So I went in and let it bite my arm but then I couldn't get it off and I punched it in the teeth (which led to a nice laceration down my hand and a flap of skin peeling off because apparently rotting dead things have razor sharp teeth). And then I blacked out and woke up in the hospital and some of the guys in my squad and I joked and stuff, I got checked out and we went to the mess hall and joked some more.

And then I woke up.


Just remembered one from High School. Where I dreamed my history class had a WWII veteran speaking with us and we all had stuff on our desks, a drink or a hooka or something. I think it was a hooka. And I used it or something and felt like my mind got drained into it, suddenly felt sick and had no strength. So I tried to tell everyone that it was bad for them or something. And they were all like "..."


Disturbing Dream

I just remembered this other dream I had where US forces were surrounding this block (like an entire city block) somewhere in the middle east or something (maybe south america). But there was orders to not fire into or go into the area for some reason. It almost looked like a war was fought their and brought to some kind of a stale mate. I could see everything from a helicopter circling around above. Mutilated corpses were everywhere. In my dream I remember having the logic that I was looking at a literal hell as this entire section that one was to step foot into had bodies torn apart, skinned, stretched, etc. I can't remember what the..inhabitants of this block looked like. But I think I remember them parading around and dancing as though it was a joyous occasion.

Last edited by Graywolves; 2012-02-21 at 06:26 PM.
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