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Thread: SSD in RAID 0
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Old 2012-03-05, 01:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
duomaxwl's Avatar
Re: SSD in RAID 0

Originally Posted by Traak View Post
Instead of working on opinions, how about downloading some tests, and setting your rig up with RAID 0, then not in RAID 0, and see which is faster? See how long your computer takes to boot. See how long it takes to load programs. See how well it runs Planetside.

Theories and advice can't hold a candle to real world results.
I actually did test them before deciding. On the benchmarks (CrystalDiskMark/AS SSD/HD Tune Pro,) with them in RAID 0 I get anywhere from 780-850MBps on the sequential, and the access time is around .087ms. With them apart, I get around 380MBps on the squencial, with .1 ms access time. It boots faster with them apart, and I can't notice a difference in either PS or BF3. I could probably get them to go faster if I changed the SSD's from IDE to ACHI, but my mobo is stupid (SATA 1-4 can be either IDE, RAID or ACHI, 5-6 are only IDE.) I can change them around, but than I'd lose my RAID0 HDD's for FRAPs use. But, either way, with them apart they're still pretty fast and I can't tell a difference. If there was a horrible difference I would've kept them in RAID 0 and dealt with the 25 minute restore/reinstalling.
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