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Old 2012-03-07, 02:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #113
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Re: Planetside Nostalgia: First Outfits

Oh, I know there isn't a site, because I do one hell of a lot of research hunting down the members and such to see if it's around again. Planetside with The Renegades was my first true mmo experience, so I'm excited to relive it. I'm just wonder if Fish and the guys are going to start another site soon.... I am actually wanting to find all the guys who remember me and see if they can help me find out what rank I had in the group, I have completely forgotten. I remembered ALL these names up till about a year or two ago. Now I only really remember Fish and some names bring back recalls, and flashbacks, I think I have PTAD - Post Traumatic ADRENAL disorder. I get excited every time I remember a bit more of the old Planetside in the first few days, weeks, months, and years.
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