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Old 2012-03-13, 08:51 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
Coreldan's Avatar
Re: "Damage Dealing Markers" Curiosity Poll

I come from milsim'ish shooters, so I like realism and all that, but overall I like hit markers. Not to the point where I'd rise on the barricades to get them in every game possible, but more so that I dont mind em at all, perhaps to a point where I even like them!

The reason is that the feedback is often valuable, even if perhaps unrealistic. I've really enjoyed games that didnt even have a killspam chat to know if you killed someone, you just had to go with the gutfeeling that you think you got them, but you couldnt always be sure. But still, it's still nice to have the hitmarkers cos sometimes without em you get these "god damn I hit him like 10 times already" while in reality you probably didn't even hit him. It's nice to know when the server actually thinks you hit them or not.

The only time I sorta disagree with them is with indirect weapons. I have to admit I abuse it a lot in BF3, throw a grenade somewhere you don't see. If you get the hit marker but no one died, rush them cos theres 100% someone there who is no longer full health That said, I abuse the report/marking function more. I only play hardcore, so I dont get the 3d markers, but if I see an abnormal'ish blip on the distance, I spam Q nearby and if my character goes "enemy sniper etc etc", I start shooting. Also works through bushes and leaves etc..

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Last edited by Coreldan; 2012-03-13 at 08:54 AM.
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