PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Deployed Galaxy Spawning
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Old 2012-03-14, 12:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Coreldan's Avatar
Re: Deployed Galaxy Spawning

I have to say that I'm not quite sure either why AMS had to go and replace with Galaxy being the new equivalent with no cloak.

However, I've accepted that and I rather spend my resources and times trying to come up how to make the Galaxy idea viable.

1) OSs have been confirmed to be in, they are probably a major problem for Galaxys cos they can been. It's however very easy to make Galaxy resistant to OS damage so that it's not the primary way of taking a Galaxy down

2) It's been mentioned they want the Galaxy to actually be defended by real players. That said, they could easily make the mannable turrets like the wall turrets in PS1, so that they have some lazy AI to them that might be enough to keep some single enemy aircraft from destroying it all alone.

3) They can make a deployed gal extremely tough even if it would be weak in air or when undeployed. Since it wont be cloaking, the easiest way is probably with a strong shield (much like the one players have) that only activates when the Galaxy is deployed. Then it's just a matter of finetuning stats so that it takes fairly much firepower to bring a deployed Galaxy down, but still so that it's possible.

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