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Old 2012-03-14, 01:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
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Re: Deployed Galaxy Spawning

Originally Posted by Kipper View Post
It has been said that the Galaxy will have capable defenses when its deployed, provided someone is there to actually man them.

Being a mobile base - and therefore a strategically important target for counter-attackers wanting to relieve the pressure on their fixed base coming from people spawning, you would expect it to come under all kinds of attack from whatever people can get their hands on.

If it has people and guns, and an engineer manning it - then it will hold itself against most vehicles and it will take a co-ordinated assault to take it out (in which the one empire risks losing the nearby base while it concentrates on taking down the gal-spawn, but the other empire risks losing its gal-spawn if it doesnt leave enough people back to keep it alive - so it will be about allocation of resources)

OS is a worry though. If it can one-shot a galaxy, then it will, and that will be frankly rubbish because you won't be able to keep a mobile spawn up for any length of time. If it can't, then fine, an OS could legitimately form part of an attack, but not the whole of it.

Problem is how many OS can an empire do in what amount of time, if its possible that two or three can go off quickly then that will become the de-facto tactic for taking them down without a fight and won't be fun for the defender.

Provided an OS isn't an insta-kill, and there's enough time between OS strikes for a full repair by two or three engineers, it should actually mean taking a galaxy down will involve an actual fight.

The other side of the argument is that just as the AMS, the Galaxy will be the most powerful vehicle in the game. So, why shouldn't the OS be able to take one out? Will the OS take more resources than an AMS? I would think so. Just because you set it up doesn't mean it deserves to be there forever. In fact, though I like the idea of no OS, the OS's primary purpose would be to take out the Galaxy spawn point. It can't take out a base. A base is so vast the OS would not even dent it's defenses.

It's all in the checks and balances.
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