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Thread: Trayvon Martin
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Old 2012-03-22, 06:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
Major General
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Re: Trayvon Martin

Originally Posted by WildGunsTomcat View Post
I agree with you, someone was shot. But what lead up to the shooting? I keep hearing that this kid was killed and it was a travesty, but two other neighbors said this kid was doing shit he shouldn't be doing...and that he hit this guy and ran away.
You should probably do some research before, you know, posting opinions. A quick five-second Google Search led me to about thirty different run-downs of the incident, and all of them pretty much crucify the shooter.

Fact: guy follows the kid in his car.
Fact: kid runs away because someone is following him
Fact: guy gets out of the car. With a gun.
Fact: kid is unarmed.
Fact: guy is on the phone with 911, who tells the guy not to follow the kid.
Fact: guy confronts kid. Guy shoots unarmed kid. Kid dies.
Fact: guy straddles kid's corpse and is crying "Oh God what have I done?"

As near as I can tell, nobody reported the kid for looking into windows. The kid was walking through a gated community that he had every right to be in.

Personally, I think he probably got trigger-happy and had an accidental discharge. Because he's a stupid fucking REMF wanna-be and he had his goddamned finger in the trigger well like he was teasing an easy lay. I don't think it's a race-related issue. I think non-whites are painting it as such specifically because a black kid was shot by a guy that looks white, and wasn't arrested.

This isn't an excuse to erode the Second Amendment. You really need to calm down on the rhetoric. It's an excuse to reexamine and adjust the Florida law, as well as a public outcry over the cold-blooded murder of a child by a know-nothing idiot. Like Hamma said - he gives responsible gun owners a bad name.
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