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Thread: Trayvon Martin
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Old 2012-03-23, 03:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
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Re: Trayvon Martin

Originally Posted by ArcIyte View Post
Just goes to show the double standard that arises when race is thrown into the mix. It is much easier to claim "hate crime" when the person in question is White. Zimmerman is clearly Latino/Mestizo/Native/whatever you want to call it. If he is white, then so is Barack Obama. If the drive-by media can't get that right (or refuse to), then how can anyone trust the important information?
Zimmerman's ethnicity isn't important. He clearly isn't black, and he said "fucking coons" while chasing Martin down. If they wanted to charge this as a hate crime, they'd certainly have a case for it. Either way though, the problem is a 17 year old doing nothing more than drinking iced tea and eating candy was pursued, shot, and killed by someone else and the police did nothing about it. That's the outrage.

The people here claiming Martin was a "skinny teenager attacked by a full grown man": Martin was 6 foot 3, Zimmerman was 5 foot 9. Completely opposite of what some of you are claiming.
Zimmerman weighed 80 lbs more than Martin. Martin may have been taller, but he was clearly much skinnier. And he was unarmed, unless candy and a drink constitutes a weapon. They were Skittles though so, I dunno, those are pretty potent.

Anyone who is actually interested in justice (read: not social "justice") is only concerned with one question: We know Zimmerman was beaten. Did Martin attack Zimmerman, as he claims, or did Zimmerman attack Martin, who then turned the tables on Zimmerman and beat him to the point where Zimmerman shot Martin.
The police claimed witnesses gave testimony corroborating Zimmerman's story which the witnesses themselves say is false. The 911 call also contradicts the statement Zimmerman made, that he got out of his car to check the street sign and was jumped from behind by Martin. In this case, neither the police nor Zimmerman's testimony can be considered reliable.

In those recordings people presume the screaming in the background is Martin. Early in the investigation it was assumed that it was Zimmerman, as Zimmerman told the police that he was screaming for help (which he never got, hence the firearm) during the fight.
That was apparently part of the witness tampering.

Both Zimmerman and Martin were in public places where they legaly could be. Neither one committed any crime until the attack occurred. The question is, who started it? With the amount of useless racial and anti-gun propaganda, I doubt that question will even be center stage, let alone answered.
There doesn't seem to be any real question to it. Martin was committing no crime and Zimmerman ran after him, armed, to confront him. An altercation occurred and Martin, who was unarmed, was shot and killed. Zimmerman started the altercation by pursuing Martin without any reason, and Zimmerman fired the shot. I'm not sure where the ambiguity is here.

Last edited by Warborn; 2012-03-23 at 03:33 PM.
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