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Thread: 3D spotting
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Old 2012-04-05, 08:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #67
First Lieutenant
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Re: 3D spotting

Originally Posted by Kran De Loy View Post
Just because you'd be willing to take a few seconds behind cover to mess with your HUD doesn't mean that everyone will. Vice Versa, doesn't mean that everyone wont either, but I'm inclined to believe that you're idea would just feel clunky and immersion breaking. Also just because there are times when you're not getting shot or positions where you're comfortable in feeling that you wont be shot for a few seconds does not mean that you wont be shot. No one can know what will happen in a fire fight while it's happening.
That's why each of my teaching suggestions gave players extra incentives to use it. You'd be surprised the lengths that people will go to to get a big XP bonus or extra intel about the enemy. And that's what they'd get for a keystroke, a mouse click or two and a few seconds of their time.

As for breaking immersion... From your post history it looks like you played PS1. Did using an equipment or vehicle terminal break your immersion? How about looting a backpack? Each of those required mouse clicks, keystrokes, and HUD interaction in order to use. My suggestions would be less clunky and intrusive than those.

Lastly, the "you could get still get shot even if you feel safe" is a piss poor argument. That is the reality of a large-scale persistent wargame like PS1/2. No matter where you are or how quiet the area seems, you could still get shot/stabbed/blown up anywhere, any time. And in PS1 it certainly didn't stop people from doing things requiring HUD interaction like using vehicle terms, upgrading wall turrets, etc even while the base was under attack, did it?

My ideas were suggestions to get new players used to the idea of using the minimap to track enemy forces. But like just about anything else you do in a battle, it involves an element of risk for the reward you get. However, I think people would still use them to get the XP boost and free intel.

Last edited by Erendil; 2012-04-05 at 08:22 AM.
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