PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Ability to toggle 1st/3rd person
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Old 2012-04-11, 04:40 AM   [Ignore Me] #27
First Lieutenant
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Re: Ability to toggle 1st/3rd person

Personally I'm ecstatic that they removed 3rdPV from infantry since it's potential for abusive exploitation is far too great.

However, I think it's a HUGE mistake to remove it from ground vehicles. I read the reasons Matt gave for its removal and I'm not convinced that they hold up to much scrutiny. Basically he said:
  • You can see behind walls and around corners with ground vehicles just like you can with infantry, but presumably you can't in aircraft so easily
  • Aircraft need it for situational awareness, for how high off the ground they are, how far away from any nearby obstacles, for trying to escape while dogfighting, or maneuver through obstacle. But ground vehicles presumably don't.

But here's why 3rdPV should be included not just for aircraft but for all vehicles, both air and ground:
  • You can peek around walls and over hilltops even easier in aircraft since it doesn't matter how high or steep the side of the obstacle is you're hiding behind.
  • 3rdPV for ground vehicles is nothing like it is for infantry since there's almost no element of surprise and thus little opportunity for abuse. Vehicles are large (compared to infantry), loud even at idle, and always show up on the minimap, so its use as a surprise tactic is relatively limited vs someone who's paying attention.
  • I agree that 3rdPV is important for aircraft so they can fly at low altitude in amongst the trees and buildings without clipping their wings on every obstacle they fly near. But the Magrider in particular needs it just as much as aircraft do. Its main cannon is fixed forward so you have no way to see either side of your vehicle so I suspect it won't be an uncommon occurrence for Mag drivers to sideswipe rocks, trees, etc while trying to escape and get stopped, slowed to a crawl and/or spun about because it'll be easy to misjudged the amount of clearance you have from obstacles on either side of you. Even basic maneuvering inside base cy's and in ravines could be tricky for it to overcome.
  • With aircraft you always have the option to fly over whatever obstacles are in front of you, no matter how tall or closely packed together. Ground vehicles have no such option.
  • Removing 3rdPV would be a huge spatial awareness nerf to the Lightning, since in PS1 its 3rdPV camera swiveled with the turret (unlike MBTs whose camera was fixed forward) and extended out farther than most other vehicles so it could see larger, tougher enemy vehicles sooner and better than they could see it. Being able to spot the enemy first and maneuver around into position before being seen was vital in its role as a hit-and-run vehicle. It was also essential to use while escaping since you could better watch pursuing enemies to see where they were headed and if you were losing them or not
  • Removing 3rdPV would be a nerf to ATV's since they move so fast they could be hard to control at top speed while in 1stPV
  • driving purely in 1stPV over uneven terrain, while moving fast or for long periods can cause eye strain and headaches/nausea for some players. 3rdPV can alleviate that.
  • 3rdPV is hell fun to use in ground vehicles, especially on the Lightning, ATV's, and Buggies. Can you say "Need for Speed: Auraxis?"
  • Removing 3rdPV from the Sunderer might make it difficult to get into the right spot to setup a forward repair base

ltdr; 3rdPV should be included for both air and ground vehicles because its potential for abuse is minimal, it's hella fun to use, driving in 1stPV for extended periods can be uncomfortable or literally nauseating for some people. Plus the Magrider has the same fixed-forward camera view as air so it needs 3rdPV for situational awareness just as much. Removing it is also a nerf to faster vehicles because they can be hard to control in 1stPV

Last edited by Erendil; 2012-04-11 at 04:47 AM.
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