PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Subscription, One time payment, or both?
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Old 2012-04-19, 01:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
Re: Subscription, One time payment, or both?

Even though we do not have really any info on what you get for a sub or what things we can buy or cost, I still Voted for Sub. Reason being is that if you want a onetime payment it’s already there as that’s what the shop if for.

There could be good perks or just all bad perks to being Sub though. But some of the things I think would be cool to get as a Sub for free would be...

- A large number of things or all stuff from cash shop you get to use while subbed and new stuff, and will continue to get if you stop subbed if available to you for a certain amount of time.
- Custom Logo's would be nice - for being a sub you can submit so many a month for review (as needs to be reviewed by someone to deem it appropriate or not, and if it’s not Identical to another) - But can also be in Cash shop at a larger cost then most things as you’re paying someone to review it
- Being able to create your own paint job on armor, guns, and such, be it for outfit or not. Following set color pallets though.

There are other things just can’t remember them right now.
But one thing I’m not a fan of is weather Subbed or have to pay in cash shop in the ability to gain XP, resources or such better then another person that decides to not pay in anyway.
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