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Old 2012-04-26, 11:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
Lieutenant General
Re: Santorum Drops Out

Originally Posted by Sobekeus View Post
That right there is the shittiest excuse not to speak up ever invented.
Is it? What if you've been paying too little all this time? The amount of money you pay in fuel is excessively low. Complaining about it is like a kid not getting an ice cream for 5 cts and throwing a tantrum because he has to pay 10 cts now.

Meanwhile, we don't complain while paying 20 cts for the same ice cream for decades.

It's like those kids in a mall that want their candy and they want it now. It's ego-centrism at its best.

Guess what, supply and demand is a consequence of free trade. Deal with it maturely instead of complaining about it. You know where they keep oil prices artificially low? Argentina. A socialist state. They just nationalised YPF, apparently partially because Repsol refused to invest in YPF that was forced to sell oil under cost price to keep the Argentinian economy going.

Yay for Republicans acting like actual extreme socialists and wanting to keep oil prices low despite of market prices rising?
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