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Old 2012-04-27, 02:05 AM   [Ignore Me] #24
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Re: Squad Remote Artillery Vehicles

Originally Posted by Talek Krell View Post
I would also reduce the accuracy and have it fire in bursts of a dozen shells or such. Make it an area bombardment/suppresion weapon rather than a fist of god thing. Combined with some of the remote control ideas that would make it work sort of like the artillery calldown in your run of the mill shooter, except it actually exists out there somewhere and can be hunted down by your enemy.
That's the kind of stuff I don't like with artillery and why I said each shell is designed for precision. Spam weapons basically lack skill in my opinon. If I know my artillery vehicle (or my squadmate's artillery vehicle) is deployed 500 m away and it takes like 10 seconds for the shell to travel I'd like to be able to lead a target. Especially if there's multiple artillery pieces the ability to say "Fire here, here, and here" then wait for the reload as you see a tank attempt to dodge them as they hit. You described it perfectly. It's akin to a "rods from god" kinetic weapon. That is you might hit infantry, but they're gonna see the shell in the air with its tail most of the time. Basically just a delayed AV weapon.

That with the ability to shoot it out of the sky with AV (or allow lock-on AA rockets from fighters) you have a balanced piece. Star already mentioned how it opens up fun sabotage gameplay for C4 holding infiltrators.

That and I never mentioned much about sidegrades since this thread is very old. It could have a sidegrade for different barrels and ammo. Faster fire rate with lower accuracy for instance. Would allow people to really fine tune things for how they want to play.
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