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Old 2012-04-27, 09:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #220
First Lieutenant
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Re: The Lightning First Look! [[Updated] Images]]

Originally Posted by IDukeNukeml View Post
A thought just popped in my head about it's length. Though I agree with the few that like it, it does pose a pretty big flaw... You're not going to be able to poke your head out of cover and shoot. You are going to have to expose two-thirds of the tank to get a shot off in any urban areas or around canyon walls, ect. (unless you go in ass first)
LOL creeping forward ass-first in my Lightning was actually an oft-used PS1 tactic of mine if I thought I'd have to make a quick retreat or had little room to maneuver (like a bridge or base cy). I'm sure I'll do the same with it in PS2.

Originally Posted by MrBloodworth View Post
You can't be serious. Keep marching on with removing any need for forethought or preparedness. If you point at it, and fire, it should just die right? Can we please stop with the lowest common denominator PLEASE.
I'm guessing the flak will behave like the old Skyguard's where its slow muzzle velocity will force you to actually lead you targets, so simple point-and-click won't cut it. No LCD there.

Originally Posted by FIREk View Post
I don't mind it being so long (that's what she...) personally. It will be fast, so making it easier to hit silhouette-wise makes a lot of sense, in terms of balance.
No, the lower armour and lack of a dedicated gunner are the balancing factors. IMO It shouldn't be deliberately made easier to hit as well as that defeats much of the purpose of being fast to begin with.

Originally Posted by headcrab13 View Post

Could the devs BE any more awesome?
Yes, they could give it back its coaxial LMG.

Seriously though, awesome speedy response from the Devs at catering to our whims as usual. You guys R0000L!

Originally Posted by Saintlycow View Post
looks good, although i would still like the magrider turret up top
HELLS YEAH! If they offered a Rail Gun as an unlock for the VS Lightning I'd probably never drive anything else! They said each empire would get their own ES weapon unlocks for common pool vehicles, so we can always hope...!

Last edited by Erendil; 2012-04-27 at 09:56 PM.
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