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Old 2012-04-27, 11:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #37
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Re: Squad Remote Artillery Vehicles

Originally Posted by Toppopia View Post
I will like this idea if its a vehicle someone has to be using to work, and they can shoot where they want but they won't see any enemies on the map overlay unless someone designates (with a proper target designator) either an enemy or the ground, thats probably the only good way of doing it.
That's not what this is about at all. Forcing someone to sit back 500m from a battle doesn't promote a "fair" vehicle. That is indirect kills are one of the reasons people, like myself, detested the Flail. If you never experienced this in Planetside 1, you could sit back inside of a base and just click in the sky in the direction of a base being fought over by two opposing factions and rack up kills without ever putting yourself in harms way. My best K/D was 215/2 when I lined up on a fight between NC and TR and was ignored in a friendly third base. I want to say this was rare, but it wasn't, and was exploited to no end. (Bombing opposing factions was the more direct version of this, while the orbital strike was simply a variation of this).

The fix for this indirectness, that a lot of people have mentioned in previous threads, is requiring some kind of line of sight. That's where positional lazing comes into play. Another complaint was the lack of a sacrifice. Having to pull and setup a vehicle to then use without the option to pull another vehicle while it is deployed somewhat fulfills this. Another was that it can't be used to easily camp doorways and allowing the rounds to be destroyed somewhat fulfills that. Another complaint was that it should promote teamwork, and allowing it to be shared within a squad (since ideally it won't be used continuously by one person, except maybe an infiltrator) opens up the ability to have teamwork with it, while still rewarding the person that owns the vehicle. (This is akin to an engineer deploying a ton of field turrets for people to use and getting experience). A big complaint was the ability for the weapon to be exploited as a spam weapon against infantry, and the visible tail and low (compared to the Flail) blast range mitigates this chance except for unsuspecting targets which are precisely chosen (like a sniper). The last complaint I read and already mentioned previously was that with unlimited range it would be exploited worse than the Flail. That is you're within line of sight but so far away you might as well be indirectly attacking. The limit of 50 meters almost completely removes this worry. Most of this is in the original post, but lacked an explanation as to why I was making maybe seemingly random suggestions.

I hope what I just wrote clears up a lot of the confusion regarding my decisions. They were made after reading all of the complaints and categorizing them in the artillery threads. (If anyone knows about the summaries I've done in previous threads you'd notice I like to order complaints to understand core problems with an idea and fully understand criticisms).
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