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Old 2012-05-11, 04:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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Re: Please do not record death counts.

Originally Posted by MacXXcaM View Post
First one. Actually it's the case in most FPS I ever played. I think Red Orchestra put away with it since it wanted to stress the "team play idea" which always felt artificial to me. People want to know how good they are. Why not let them?

Why do you seriously doubt it? It's a pretty normal feature in FPS and in fact Higby already showed to us that you can check up your K/D ratio.
The only thing I'll disagree with is that people collectively want to know how good they are. I speak as someone who would prefer no K/D ratio. And my best bud who plays all shooters with me including PS1 always felt the same way.

But let me state. I feel including K/D ratio is almost essential because any modern FPS player is going to expect those in depth statistics. The first thing I said in this thread is that I thought not including it was unrealistic. For the game as a whole, regarding bringing in a mass audience and retaining those numbers, K/D is basically essential. Planetside 1 was always a niche game with a cult audience. PS2 intends to break into the masses and I hope it does. My thoughts on K/D ratios are meant to be my opinion and preferences. It's impossible to deny that it's existence causes a good amount of players to play the game with it in mind. But does that make a HUGE difference, no not really. In my perfect world stats and things wouldn't matter and everyone would just play the game. That, however, just isn't realistic anymore and I get that. K/D will be in the game and for good reason.
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