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Old 2012-05-12, 12:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
First Lieutenant
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Re: Marissa Alexander

A Caucasian man shoots an African-American minor, and the "stand your ground" law is utilized to prevent any investigation.

An African-American woman fires a bullet under the rules of the "stand your ground" law, nobody is hurt, and she is sentenced to 20 years instead of being taken up on a plea for 3.

White guy shoots a black kid dead and there's no investigation until mass outcry demands it. Black woman fires a gun in self defense and harms nobody, and she won't see her kids on her own terms til they've grown up.

It isn't a matter of asking whats wrong with the system, its a matter of asking what is actually right about it anymore. Nothing our legal system is corrupt, subjective, and poorly-conducted, at its best (except when police are deployed to sort out a mass gathering of workers, then they are an efficient oppressing machine).
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