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Thread: Gameplay: Anti-Tank grenades.
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Old 2012-05-19, 04:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Zekeen's Avatar
Re: Anti-Tank grenades.

I think this is actually a great idea, just need more explaining to keep it better rounded.

First off, make it grenades that just do better damage to a vehicle. Even if I can't kill it, hitting it would feel nice. Otherwise we'll be tossing frag grenades at them, which might do nearly nothing. Having an AV grenade makes sense. Have it so you can only carry a few, and they throw less distance, with a smaller blast radius. They would cost more than a frag, so there's a cost to use ratio balance. Also have them explode on impact, that's how they would have worked.

Essentially this is how a balanced AV grenade would work:

1. Damage: They would not do excessive vehicular damage, but give a chance for an infantryman to add to the vehicular damage, rather than destroy like C4. It also does less infantry damage (it does a big hit, not a lot of body shredding hits like a Frag).

2. Distance: They would be thrown a shorter distance than frag grenades due to weight, but would still be useful for infantry fighting in tight quarters with vehicles.

3. Detonation: They would explode on impact rather than roll. This limits the distance and lets moving vehicles be hit since they won't stay still.

4. Radius: The radius would be reduced, preventing excessive vehicle damage and protecting the short ranged thrower.

5. Cost: It would be more expensive than a frag grenade, but would help an infantryman be more versitile instead of helpless.

6. Ammunition: You would be able to carry less of the heavier, bigger, AV Grenades than Frag grenades.

I think those points would balance it enough to use in the game. I think it's a great idea to have myself.
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