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Old 2012-05-24, 06:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #38
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Re: Marissa Alexander

Originally Posted by ItsTheSheppy View Post
A woman has been sentenced in Florida to 20 years in prison for firing a warning shot at her abusive husband.

She attempted to use the Stand Your Ground law to justify the shot, which as far as I can tell hit and hurt nobody. Apparently there were children in the house.

Claiming she feared for her life, she fired a warning shot into the wall. Rejected a plea deal that would have netted her three years of prison time, she has instead been sentenced to 20 years.

Curious how the cops didn't even investigate Trayvon Martin's killing because Zimmerman cited Stand Your Ground, but here a warning shot that kills nobody nets this woman 20 years in jail.

Oh, and she's black. So there's that.

And before you ask, no the system is working just fine. There is no prejudice, the law is perfectly sound and being enforced fairly and evenly, thank you very much.
She is black and living in the south so the stand your ground law doesn't apply to her obviously. In reality, it should apply to her more than Zimmerman. She didn't stalk anyone around a neighborhood and then act surprised when it provokes a fight.
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