PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - A returning challenger appears!
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Old 2012-05-28, 03:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
A returning challenger appears!

So, good morning, afternoon, evening or night -- whatever time it might be as you read this. I played Planetside for a little while, years ago -- I loved it, although as with many MMOs, my enjoyment is measured by getting to play with people I know (and this is even more amplified in pure PvP games, like Planetside)...and eventually people didn't wanna resub/got bored or whatnot, and I didn't have anyone to play with so I wound up drifting off myself.

Now I find myself getting eager again, as Planetside 2 information becomes more and more readily accessible and I don't want to make the same mistake twice; I want to steep myself in the community, get to know people, and make friends in the game...find an outfit that I fit well into, all that fun stuff. Looking forward to spending some quality time amidst my Vanu brothers and sisters!

That eagerness spreads in strange ways, however; I'm finding myself itching to play Planetside again; the original, but I wonder -- is it worth it anymore? Are there enough people that it doesn't feel totally like a ghost town? My trigger finger is itchy, for cryin' out loud! Haha.

Anyways, before I let this run on too terribly long (like my thoughts are prone to do), about me: I'm a gamer (obvious, I know!), a homemaker -- so I have a decent amount of time on my hands (I certainly don't spend -all- day cooking and cleaning, that's for sure!), I'm told I'm fairly friendly, but I'm also fairly crazy -- my mind likes to race off on tangents and the like. If you can handle a little crazy, feel free to drop me a line!

Looking forward to getting to know you all, regardless of which side of the battle you're on! I guess that's all for now. Take care, fight the good fight (whatever your good fight is!), and have fun!
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