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Old 2012-05-28, 11:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
AGN Field Reporter
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Re: What should I know?

So you've got your head on straight, good. The kool aid is so delicious and moist... err... wait...

Anyway: You have a group of friends who've played, and know what role you want to play.

One of the biggest difference between Planetside and most FPSes is that solo, it's very difficult to see that you've had any impact on a given battle. A really good sniper might consistently manage a 10/1 KDR (or more), but that can mean surprisingly little.

As part of an outfit (or an organized pickup-squad) on the other hand, you can be part of something decisive.

Organization (aka "getting your shit together") is a Force Multiplier. A well organized group of soldiers can beat the tar out of twice their number (or more) All Day Long. I've heard stories of 10/1 and 20/1, but I suspect there's some exaggeration going on there. Or maybe not, I wasn't there.
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