PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - The Vindicators (VS) are recruiting for PS2. [NA]
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Old 2012-06-04, 05:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
HinataHitman's Avatar
Re: The Vindicators (VS) are recruiting for PS2.

Anyone who's looking for an awesome outfit for a VS player, the search begins and ends here. I got an invite from my RL friend ChaosFox to join these guys in the winter of 2003 and I never looked back and had an an absolute blast with them, no matter what was going on.

From the ill-fated, but hilarious, "Ride of the Valkyries" gal drop, to th more successful gal drops and everythin in between, these are people that I am proud to call my brothers (and sisters) in arms. Not only have we steamrolled continents before, but we've also managed to hold a base against a combination of TR and NC forces...I think that was somewhere around an 8 hour hold of one base in the middle of Cyssor.

We have great leaders, plain and simple that listen to everyone in the outfit and take their thoughts into account about the current plan. We have stellar soldiers that can and will adapt in the blink of an eye, rolling with the punches all the way.

Even though it does sound regimented, it's not just this...we remember to have fun. And do we...

- Kurz's Sundy Bus of Doom

- The Magrider nicknamed the "Big-Assed Church Woman" or something to that effect...I can't remember fully, but it involved one of our members remarking that if you fishtail the Magrider, it becomes that big-assed woman at church that shoves you halfway down the pew when she whomps you with her ass when she goes to sit down.

- Basilisk (me) becoming a hood ornament on a Vanguard...and winning.

- Outfit night with two other VS outfits, rolling 12 squads deep on one continent at once...god, that was fun.

There's so much more that I can't remember because it's been so long, but for me to stay with one outfit since 2003 says a lot. We're a lot of fun and can give you the fights that you desire.

To go old school..."Beware the skies, for they bring swift vengeance."
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