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Old 2012-06-07, 09:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
Ait'al's Avatar
Re: Supreme Court vs. The Fourth Amendment: KO!

Your are all forgetting that in the executive branch, let alone our entire government, wrong does not stop because it goes past the first person. It is all incompetency. Those systems are set up with checks to stop all of this. It was all wrong period. And they are legally responsible regardless of the formal checks put in or not. The whole thing is an atrocity. At least as the argument stood when I started posting.

Via the fact that he was wrongly put in prison they are guilty of the strip search. They are responsible to do it step by step and not get any step wrong. Any wrong by them is then compounded as they make mistakes. That is the law towards police and government. Police and any executive are responsible to know for certain what they are doing at all times. That is the measure of their responsibility. It's all about the harm done to others besides them and if they are following the law period(they are far more bound than we are that is the point of our government! They took their oaths and DECIDED to be in our government and there is absolutely no way out of that besides massive blackmail.). That is the standard of law to all things in this government in all cases. And ALL laws regarding government action. That is REQUIRED by the constitution whether anyone understands it or not. It is the meaning of justice!

And to answer Warborns statement. He is entitled to ALL compensation! (just to make the point in case anyone misses it) The concept of damages is the oldest in our law. Only the bill of rights can deny it! Outside of the reality of choosing to sue or not which is a moral choice the law is built around. That is one reason you don't want a lot of laws. You reap what you sow! Less laws more dealing with things and less supposed easy answers(aka asking someone else to deal with it for you aka the judge.) the greater morality which is a reality of ones ability to think which comes with dealing with things. It's somewhat self generating but only if YOU deal with things. Government is potentially, if not totally, morally degrading.

The problem here is that the supreme court is too stupid to understand and follow line of fault. Our law absolutely uses it. If you are guilty of something going up the chain in relevance it is a greater crime not non existent. It is basic law. And our law uses it and states it in many ways. It is the basis of how a judge determines severity in all criminal cases. It is the most fundamental law period, along with damages it is by necessity a part of the meaning of the word justice, again! The prison and the cops are all massively guilty and it should have been stated that. Outside of stupidity it cannot be avoided it was wrong under law. It was all wrong! Technically the man is an inch away from proving conspiracy or other high crimes for god sakes. This is not rocket science. This is a certainty and a surety in our law!

Last edited by Ait'al; 2012-06-07 at 10:07 PM.
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