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Old 2012-06-10, 04:31 AM   [Ignore Me] #541
Master Sergeant
Re: Planetside 2 Needs Prone

I'm reluctant to weigh into this rather unruly debate, but I'd like to at least test out prone within the game, if it's true that's what they're doing.

From my experience playing FPSs, prone does slow down the game to some degree, but not dramatically. (Personally, I prefer slower-paced FPSs over twitch games like CoD, so I see that as a plus.)

I also agree with Stew in the sense that it allows infantry players to find cover in open environments, especially when confronted by a tank. It's frustrating in games where, despite crouching behind a rock, you're killed because your head is still exposed. It makes playing as an infantry in these huge environments less enticing, leading to what I am concerned will be a vehicle-dominated game.

Furthermore, as a sniper, prone has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it reduces your visible profile and makes your shots steadier, but the disadvantage is that your movement and reaction time is restricted, making you an easy target once spotted. As long as you cannot be cloaked when prone, I don't see camping as an issue. People should also keep in mind that camping in situations like is part of warfare tactics and can be off assistance to your team.

So as long as dolphin diving is not possible, and moving whilst in prone is restrictive (similar to BF3), I think prone would be a welcome addition to the game.

Last edited by Anderz; 2012-06-10 at 04:33 AM.
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