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Old 2012-06-10, 10:24 AM   [Ignore Me] #661
First Sergeant
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Re: Planetside 2 Needs Prone

Star said it right, I read most of the thread and it's basically stew posting Battlefield 3 sniper/recon videos, people saying that it'll make visibilty impossible and camping very possible. However, I'm taking about the stream a lot because it's possibly the only video that showcases a good part of the game with a good number of players. And yes, I'm aware it's alpha. Isn't really a good example but it's the only one at the moment.

My problems with prone:
1)It is not needed. You have crouch. Why would you need prone? Battlefield bad company 2 didn't have prone and all the people I asked never asked for it.

2) Visibility would be ruined, especially in night(This is an assumption)Almost 90% of the kills and deaths I got in the 20 or so minutes I've played MW2, MW3, Black ops and BF3 combined on a console was by prone, either because their postion is already hard enough to hit, but because they have prone they are nearly impossible to hit other than a stray headshot(s) (and I might add the current kick of the according to the E3 showcase weapons could make this even harder.) or decreasing visibility by a huge margin. The most obvious example of this would be the night ops. Imagine finding a small team of classes that can't go prone, firing at them and finding out that the rest of their team is going prone on the ground(Obviously I'm talking about outdoors here.).

I know I just said the thread is full of reason 2. But it's a solid reason.
A good cover mechanic is silly as if you are in the middle of the battle, no amount of shrinking your butt on the ground will help you.

Last edited by ThermalReaper; 2012-06-10 at 10:28 AM.
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