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Old 2012-06-10, 11:56 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
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Re: Questions about certifications?

Originally Posted by killercam View Post
I have been wondering about the certification and how its gonna effect the game. First off for every cert you unlock does it have an negative effect as well? I was also wondering about balance and the whole theme of the game seeing as each faction is suppose to play a bit different but for example im Terran and i cert so i do more damage but in contrast my speed goes down then i would basically be NC in terms of play mechanics. Now if certs do not put a negative effect then how would a newer player be on the same playing field as a vet?
From what we've been told certs are intended to be side grades, think of it like the weapons in TF2, apart from a few rarities the majority of the weapons are no better than the default. You get miniguns with less ammo but more damage, snipers that leave huge beams notifying you of their locations in exchange for greater damage, items that let you move quicker at the cost of damage etc.

So to answer your question. Yes certs do come bundled with a negative effect that is intended to be equal to the positive effect. in answer to your other question I presume while the Terran can lower speed to put damage on par with the default NC, the NC can also cert even more power for even less speed ensuring each faction is still unique and are not simply recolors of each other.
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