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Old 2012-06-11, 12:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #943
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Re: Planetside 2 Needs Prone

Originally Posted by Kran De Loy View Post
If it was there I'd almost feel obligated to make use of it. I'd rather be in a Lightning or a Galaxy than going prone out in the field. And if you're prone in a base, what the hell for!?
Read what you wrote again. Because something is in the game you'd feel obligated to use it? If you need to use crouch, you use it. If you need to throw a grenade you throw it. Anything in the game that's added you will feel obligated to use if it's the right choice. Who cares if you'd rather be in a vehicle in a field. Some players might want to be out with rocket launchers in the rocks or vertically up in a tree. It sounds like you want the game balanced in such a way infantry can only be used indoors and vehicles are used all the time outdoors. If you ever played Planetside you'll know that isn't the case. I'd run around with a lancer all the time taking pop-shots at vehicles. If someone is using prone in a massive base, it's the same reason as using crouch, to get better cover in their current location or to decrease their accuracy threshold when taking shots.
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