PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Suggestion Box
Thread: Suggestion Box
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Old 2012-06-15, 04:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Re: Suggestion Box

Dear Planetside development, please consider these suggestions:
I want to see some motion incorporated into planetside 2's buildings. I've seen at least one building with what looks like 15-story tall mechs or walkers docked on it's sides. Don't keep us standing around drooling at them all day; make them do something, even if it's just a cutscene. Maybe they are suppliers with an automated rout between buildings; moving obstacles or cover for vehicles. All of the buildings look kind of modular so consider this: high ranking commanders might be able to orbital-drop small towers. They could be respawn points or fallback defences; maybe they could be destructible so the map doesn't become crowded with them. How about an indoor aircraft spawn that, when used, opens the roof and scissor-lifts through it. Watching the E3 footage, I saw what looked like extendable bridges on some of the buildings. These should be extendable to adjacent roofs. Use this as a general rule: don't include hydraulics in structures unless, at least under certain conditions, they activate.
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