PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Gameplay: Priority targets - squad leader assigned.
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Old 2012-06-15, 09:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Re: Priority targets - squad leader assigned.

Just to be clear, i'm suggesting this is a perk for a certain command rank. It would be something the squad/platoon leader did to mark targets for his team only. Not visible to anyone outside his team but to basically direct his fellows.

The extra perks suggested with it, well, take em or leave em. You do occasionally just get that one guy that rapes multiple guys repeatedly be it because of high skills, an OP loadout or semi-abusive use of a crutch that gives him an upper hand. This just allows a squad leader to point the guy out easilly to his team, not much beyond that.

It perhaps wasn't so clear in my first post that I intended this to be purely for the squad/platoon to use but:

"At a certain command rank have the squad leader able to mark certain enemy characters" would imply I was talking more about a leader giving a squad a benefit rather than:

"At a certain command rank have the ability to mark certain enemy characters" which is probably more how it would have been put if I meant "mark targets for the faction".

I also didn't mention a cap but lets say only 2/3 guys can be "painted" for special prejudice.

Last edited by mercutiouk; 2012-06-15 at 09:50 PM.
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