PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Give Infiltrators the Ability to disguise as Enemy
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Old 2012-06-22, 08:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
First Sergeant
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Re: Give Infiltrators the Ability to disguise as Enemy

Anybody else play Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory way back? Awesome free game with the best mods. Hell, I remember there was a fun mod where the bazooka would shoot 18 rockets at the same time haha!

But yeah the spy class (forgot the name) had the option to steal the uniform of dead enemies, leaving behind a corpse in underwear. Unranked players, when mousing over the disguise, will not see a friendly name and thus can tell it was an enemy. This is because friendly names were not displayed above one's head like Counterstrike, but only over mouseover. Ranked up players could see the enemy's name on mouseover in red, making it even more obvious. Ranked spies though would display the green name of the person they took the uniform of, so you had to rely on looking at the spy's weapon (kept the spy-specific weapon) and looking at his behavior. Disguise was lost upon being hit by a single bullet by the enemy, unless the spy was ranked I think. The best way to check was to look at your map; if the "friendly" isn't appearing on the map where he is, then it's an enemy.

Something like this would be interesting and fairly balanced IMO. Disguises would never last and any veteran player could see right through, but it enabled a certain camouflage by blending in the enemy at a cursory glance, kind of like mimicry seen in the insect world.

Last edited by Razicator; 2012-06-22 at 08:56 AM.
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