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Old 2012-06-23, 07:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #164
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Re: Jimmy Whisenhunt Joins PlanetSide 2 Team

Originally Posted by I SandRock View Post
My main concern is that Planetside 2 will focus too much on the small-scale individual player vs individual player 'meta-game' and lose sight of what made Planetside Planetside. Look at the FPS combat in PS1 and compare to any other FPS game of 2003, it is nothing like it. The shooting etc it's all pretty basic stuff. Did we all love Planetside because of the 'feel of the weapons'? I'm afraid this will turn too much into an e-sport shooter game. Where it's about the standard FPS combat. Getting K/Ds rather than focusing on the overall objectives.
You're talking about the complexity of games such as Quake. But I honestly wouldn't want combat to be anything like Quake, where 'skill' is knowing all the powers up and different weapon locations etc. (not saying that's all there is too it of course). I honestly don't want combat encounters to be the decisive feature in PS2. In PS i was never out to try and get the best K/D score, going around looking for kills. I was trying to make my way to an objective, to cover an LLU, to hack a base, blow the gen, blow the spawns, defend our own base etc. And I killed whatever stood between me and my objective. But in a lot of situations you'd actually try to avoid combat (like when you're in an enemy base). Not "oh hey an enemy I'll run back and chase him around the entire map just to get +1 kill"

If the focus becomes on this complex shooter game then I think it will loose sight of the great tactical experience of PS. And people will just be running around trying to kill shit rather than focus on winning a base.
If you compare Quake 1 to how shooters are nowadays, you could say it wasn't really that complex.

I think focusing on the individual player's experience is important. Players who come from other shooters expect it to have depth in the gunplay, and lacking that they will probably go back to whatever else they were playing.

Frankly, I don't think I would be very excited about this game if the gunplay didn't feel nice from the videos. What you as a player do in the game is essentially running around and killing people, with the added sugar of having objectives to work towards.

If the movement is floaty and shooting is random, it's not fun - I don't like if the game randomly decides the other guy's shots hit me when I was shooting more accurately.

You talked about not wanting the combat mechanics to be a decisive factor in gameplay... What else would the factor be? I mean it is an FPS, albeit at a massive scale. You are going to have to shoot people to accomplish the objective, so why not make shooting people more fun?

I really don't think improving the FPS mechanic is going to take away from the objective based gameplay. Infact I think it will improve it, because you as a player have better control, and with better control, you can shoot that bugger who would otherwise stop you from covering your hacker

Last edited by zomg; 2012-06-23 at 07:07 AM.
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