PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - AMS Mk.3 design (for when it does get into PS2)
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Old 2012-06-23, 10:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
Re: AMS Mk.3 design (for when it does get into PS2)

Nice round up and the pro`s and con`s on the old AMS designs and solution for newer.

I see having the big Galaxy as only Mobile Spawnpoint right now very critically, and i think we need a smaller version of a Mobile Spawnpoint.

I think we have two vehicle, who could be used for that, one exist already in PS2.

First: The Sunderer. Fits the right size, good armor, and would have multi purpose too (AMS were cut because only one boring purpose for most). A MS Sunderer would have instead of the Smokebomb special, a cloak (when standing still) but can keep his weapon for AV/AI/AA (maybe restriced, but can deal damage and fend of occasianal attackers). When you shoot, cloak is deactivated (allowance for gunner to dropcloak/engage it?).

You want enhanced cloak like when moving? Get advanced cloak (which replaceses the weapons) but you can move now why cloak and deploay. Use the old phantasm thing, such as over 40-50kph you only partially cloaked, under that, full cloak). Would allow for maximum stealth at the cost of firepower.

Instead of stealth, hardened the Sundere would be an option too, instead of cloak or smokebomb, give it a strong shield ability, which absorbs or reduce damage taken. I would also suggest, keeping weapon active with the shield, for easier balance then a to strong shield, which should be strong enough to have 300-400% in TTK for that AMS.

Another Vehicle would be the old phantasm, which really is an obviouse choice too.
Highly mobile, can be fast, can be stealthed and slow, multi purpose (my opinion is we need a smaller transport vehicle too). Defense wise, you got a full cloaked, but no weapons, but far more mobile. For added defense allow the transportation for 1-2 MAX Units (instead of others). Not much text, but i really love that idea.

So what do you guys think? What to add? What to reconsider?
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