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Old 2012-06-23, 06:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
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Re: How the heck did SOE achieve such faction loyalty?

Originally Posted by Vamoozi View Post
As i haven't played the first planetside, I really don't understand how people that played it became so much loyal, defensive, biased (not telling this is a bad thing) To their faction.

I mean, I like NC the most, but see the other two factions have their appeal aswell, but some PS1 vet sees it diffrently, he sees his faction as a godlike empire, and the other two factions worms barely worth living.



I mean, I played WoW and SWTOR and I didnt give a single damn wich faction I'm on at the moment, but i feel I will become like the PS1 vets overtime, biased to my faction.
My 2c:

I think its a choice for most people, rather than some magic SOE has worked on the masses. You're seeing human nature at work. Or more accurately, at play. The same thing that drives people to be fanatical about one particular sports team over another drives them towards one Empire over another.

Firstly, People like having something to fight FOR as much as something to fight AGAINST. Something to draw them and their compatriots together. Even within the fictional confines of a video game. Something to justify the effort and glorify the progress.

Secondly, anything in a game that plays at the primal side and scratches that spot just behind the ears of the beast in each of us - THAT immerses people in a game. Concepts like vengeance, justice, loyalty. If you can trigger one of those primal drives in your audience you've presented something FAR more satisfying than a simple video game. You've given them an outlet for the part of them that wants to be out chasing down animals and waging territorial wars, but instead must spend each of its days confined to a cream colored cubical chasing down TPS reports and waging office politics.

If SOE has done anything, they've made sure that Planetside facilitates this bit of human nature. They've created a compelling story of three struggling empires waging an eternal war. They've given each of the empires qualities that some will love, and some will loath.
The TR, for example, are rigid, diciplined soldiers fighting to maintain order and peace as they see it. Thats appealing to many people. Others see them as totalitarian and fascist and are naturally motivated to fight against their oppressive reign.

The NC are easily seen as the "freedom fighters" of the group. Refusing to be ruled or controlled. Struggling for independence on a brave new world. Others see them as terrorists and anarchists, trying to destroy civilization.

And lastly, the VS... well the VS like to lick batteries and... stare at lasers. And that's a ...thing. I guess.
So yeah. Choice. SOE baits our inner demon with tasty, tasty conflict and rivalry. And we choose to dive in, head first.

Anyway, went a bit long, but thats my 2c.

Last edited by Wayside; 2012-06-23 at 06:56 PM.
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