PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Gameplay: Spotting done the right way
Thread: Gameplay: Spotting done the right way
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Old 2012-06-25, 08:05 AM   [Ignore Me] #56
Re: Spotting done the right way

Originally Posted by Toppopia View Post
Its bad because you can just spam the spot button and immediately have spotted 5 enemies that you might have otherwise not seen and can just aim for the little triangle and be guaranteed to hit, i normally spot to help my team or scan the horizon for other snipers.

But i think the only spotting we need is a person being able to place 1 marker where he is aiming, it doesn't follow anyone, and if he marks another spot, the previous marker disappears so that you don't get spammed by these things, and it tells your nearby friendlies "I spotted something over here, unknown number of hostiles. Or you want to mark an area of interest for your squad to move to, you can mark the ground. This sounds better than most automatic spotting that follows an enemy.

Add so you can place different colored markers. Tap the button once to place red marker to say enemy, danger, warning etc. Double tap to place blue marker for 'area of interest'. And maybe a triple tap for green marker for 'move here' but thats what a blue could be used for.

Edit: New feature (copied what i wrote below).
Ok, fair enough.

I personally don't think I would have any issues with having spotting work in the way you describe.

I would also be in favor of it being an exclusive feature limited to just one class (or at the very most two) such as the Infiltrator.

I think allowing for this class to carry out this unique and specific task would add to its role and function...which in this case could be considered a Recon one.

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