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Old 2012-06-28, 05:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #46
Re: Jimmy Whisenhunt AMA

Originally Posted by whisenhunt View Post
I HATE being patted on the back for doing next to nothing in games.

If I choose to run around holding 'w' and 'mouse1' I am rewarded by mowing down an entire army and some ludicrous XP bonus in my face with crazy sounds and praises... Sure you can play that way if you want, and you should be able to kill a few people. HOWEVER, I believe playing a more intelligent way should be more beneficial as an individual player, this includes better bursting, recoil control and movement and rewards situational awareness.
Name one multiplayer FPS where someone holding W + M1 would reliably do better than an intelligently played vet utilizing the same equipment.

The problem with calling types of play 'intelligent' is that what is a sound tactic and what is not differs greatly from game to game. Smart tactics in ArmaII would be completely worthless tactics in Tribes 2, and vice versa.

Bursting and recoil control, as such, are intelligent moves only if the game penalizes them. Not all games do so, including games that are considered highly skill based.

Oh, and regarding your remark on 'Watered down' fps mechanics of modern shooters.. Have you considered the idea that they're not, in fact, watered down, and instead just not what you prefer? Have you considered as well the idea that some may consider mechanics you prefer 'needlessly obtuse'?
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