PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Do you want enter/exit vehicle animations?
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Old 2012-06-29, 07:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #139
Kran De Loy
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Re: Do you want enter/exit vehicle animations?

Originally Posted by Crator View Post
Originally Posted by Xyntech View Post
Fuck immersion.
After reading the last few posts I kind of agree :/
However immersion is still good as it grabs a player and keeps him longer as he remembers great parts of the game he was playing. Putting a high priority on it tho is kind of .. yeah I see the error in my ways about that.

Originally Posted by Flaropri View Post
Lot of stuff
As above after reading your posts and the other last few I feel like I need to separate the Cosmetic and the Gameplay aspects of E/E animations. To me the gameplay parts of it are what get me the most die-hard about wanting E/E animations, however the gameplay aspects can be much more easily implemented then the cosmetic aspects. That's not to say they'd be easy to implement, just easier than the whole package.

The Gameplay aspects of being able to jump into a vehicle by crawling in from the exhaust pipe is annoying as crap. However it's not the important part of it. It's the popping in and out instantly that bothers me the most. It's just... just wrong.

I would honestly settle for one or the other option. Either force players to get into and subsequently out of a vehicle at the same point instantly or force players to get into or out of a vehicle at any random point with a short delay. Either would work well enough. I still want both, I still want both and I want animations. However I'm willing to compromise for the sake of 'Good Game Design and Gameplay.'

I still stand by my previous statement tho that E/E animations would not necessarily harm PS2 by not having them, but it would certainly give PS2 a huge gain if they were implemented in that it would make the game just that much more memorable to players. It would stick in their minds that much longer. It was proven, at least to the people I talk to (I work at a hotel front desk near Disneyland, California and I talked about PS2 to just about anyone that would listen) and of the people that knew PS1 one of the things that most of them remembered was those E/E animations. That and the Galaxy Dropped MAX unit squads and the over all vehicle combat and a few other random memories.


Really the best place to get a poll opinion on something is on the main site of the game we're polling about. Getting the right wording tho is a bit more of a pain in the ass.

Like Malorn said, asking do you like cookies? yes/no is kind of redundant because almost everyone is going to say yes they like cookies.

I would really like to see a poll on the main site of multiple sites that basically asks the questions,

Delay and Locked Position on E/E a vehicle.
Delay only on E/E a vehicle.
Locked Position only on E/E a vehicle.
No Delay and No Locked Positioning on E/E a vehicle.

Then go on to say that this question should hypothetically have no relation to animations of E/E a vehicle.

I really want to do that, but will probably have to wait until August or something when there are enough people with access to the PS2 main beta forums.

Last edited by Kran De Loy; 2012-06-29 at 07:17 PM.
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