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Thread: Systems: E-Sport
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Old 2012-07-03, 07:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #51
The Degenatron
Master Sergeant
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Re: E-Sport

Originally Posted by super pretendo View Post
and I used the scarce evidence available to us to make sense out of what we know. And no, I hate pay2win games, I wish this were just buy the box or sub. All free to play degenerate into pay2win. I suggested being able to pay for more nuanced weapon types

And if bandwidth cost is high, that's a variable cost. A large amount of non-paying players are a retarded idea if that's the case.

Hit the "preview post" button before you submit, and practice critical thinking. Try to examine things and then use your head to imagine if two parts of the same thought complement each other or contradict each other. you just had two parts that contradicted each other.
"All free to play degenerate into pay2win." - Blanket statement like that have the hghest probability of being wrong.

"pay for more nuanced weapon types" = Pay2Win. Again, you have a lot of nerve lecturing me on contradicting one's self.

Bandwidth is NOT a variable cost. You must pay for the line whether it's packed full of players or not. This isn't your wireless data plan we're talking about here - it's business class OC3 or OC12. SOE is going to purchase a set amount every month. While they may add or subtract lines over a long period, it's not as variable as you make it sound.

Originally Posted by Mongo View Post
The problem here is you cant have planetside's game design working with the esport concept, one will detract from the other.

If you have instances and separate events, you massively detract from the overall game, loosing players from the war effort as well as organised outfits leading at the front.

If you have everything open and anyone involved you detract from the elitism and 'esport' competitiveness and basically it devolves into a shit storm of accusations of cheating and unfair number advantages.

No matter how much you want this you cant fit a round peg in a square hole.
You can't have Planetside work with the classic esport concept. I'm suggesting the concept of esport be broadened a bit.

Like I've already said, if 600 players - pulled from all three empires and all three continents "breaks the bank" of frontline man-power, then Planetside has way bigger problems than promoting esports.

I agree you can't have it "out in the open" because there are just too many variables.

My idea works because it rounds off the corners of the square peg and widens the round hole. It works out like this: You end up having these large arenas open up every hour and a half and for 80% of the time they are filled with "scrubs". But during prime-time on certain days you'll have these massive Outfits square off against one another in epic battles that really could become a "Spectator Event". It's less "every day Baseball" and more "Monday Night Football".

Not only that, but the lore works out well, it has a tangible effect on the whole world, and it also gives player the "decisive victory" many have said that Planetside needs.

Last edited by The Degenatron; 2012-07-03 at 07:13 AM.
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