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Old 2012-07-07, 11:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
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Re: Cross faction chat?

Originally Posted by TAA View Post
Addendum: A note on other games that used factional warfare. Both DAoC and Warhammer Online had warfare between players as a central gameplay aspect. Neither allowed chat between the factions/realms. It worked well enough.
Unless they had a system of cross fractional chat that was not working and changed it this example really doesn't have any relevance.

Hate tells are fun, and i've collected quite a few. The only ones I've sent out have to do with the era of over the top hackers.

The ONLY people that have ever gotten onto my ignore list in Planetside are faction CR5's that I simply got tired of and that is only two people.

Just last night I got into some /tells with a guy I killed because I got a VERY lucky kill and most of the chat was about how the only reason I got the kill was all the friendly fire in his back. I could only laugh and acknowledge I knew I got lucky because he died so fast.

Just one example but i've had way more experiences like that than anything that would make me want to /ignore a player let alone quit the game.

Now your example from Global Agenda? Yeah my feeling on a lot of FPSs and general voice coms, along with MMO type games and their general chat functions. Both of those things FPS general voice coms and MMO type "City" or "Barrens" chat are annoying to the point of aggravation but Planetside has neither of those.
Planetside is talking about integrated voice on squads or platoons. We'll see if it works because just like Global Agenda and other FPSs with voip TS/Vent/Mummble are still more often used. And since it is limited to squads and platoons you can easily self moderate people.
As far as global chats, not sure how that is going to work into PS2 but with PS1 it wasn't until command rank 5 and you could be reported and muted by mods and trolls really don't want that. There has also been quite a few suggestions on earning and maintaining command ranks or ability to global or empire orders.

The long and the short of it, my opinion and a lot of the players I know in this game and others feel that not being able to private text chat with any player you interact with in game takes away from the game experience.

We will just have to see though. My ignore list in Global Agenda in MUCH less time in game than Planetside was MUCH MUCH bigger. It had to do with general VOIP functions and City Chat rather than actual personal interaction.

Last edited by Wahooo; 2012-07-07 at 11:37 PM.
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